Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Changing Perspective

I have often wondered why the Lord hasn't brought my husband into my life yet. Actually this is probably a daily question that goes through my mind. Today as I was spending time with the Lord, I heard him say, "Change your perspective".

What are the good things about me being single and now in my later 30's? A question I need to be asking myself instead of the one I wrote earlier. What can I thank the Lord for in my life? There really are so many things....and beginning to focus on those instead of what I don't have is such a better idea. So often the enemy wants to get us to focus on the bad....the things we are missing out on. My focus needs to remain on the Lord and on His goodness! He knows the desires of my heart, but He also knows the path He has me on....and He is good in all of it!

Things to be thankful for....I don't have as many responsibilities as those that are married and have children. I only have to take care of myself (which can be a chore sometimes!). I can pick up and go whenever I want....no one to ask. I can always go out for "Girls Night"!! I am blessed with an amazing group of friends that have surrounded me and loved me. I am right where the Lord has me....doing exactly what the Lord wants me to be doing! No better place to be!

Just wanted to share a little of what has been on my heart lately! It has been awhile since I have written....but I am working on being more active on here. Thanks for listening to my heart!

~ KIM ~


Mandy Capehart said...

Sometimes, the freedom of a bank account of which only I can deplete would be lovely... :) I adore you, Kim!

ericandash said...

I love the part about always being available for girls nights! That is a great thing! :) Love you!